Getting started

Yes, if you want to measure full body compositions and take advantage of the smart functions.

Without the Fit Profile mobile App, you can only measure body weight just like a regular digital weight scale.

You need the mobile app to access your body composition information, such as body fat, body water, muscle mass, etc., to track your weight and body fat and other body composition data. In other words, the scale and the mobile app together make a complete smart body composition scale.

For Fit Plus Scale users, without your mobile app you will read your weight, but you will not see your BMI.

Setup your smart scale is easy and straightforward. It takes just minutes to get your data after you receive your new scale. Please follow the steps here:

(1) Power up your scale

Push the active button.

IMMEDIATELY place your scale on a flat hard surface. Make sure your scale displays 0.0. The scale is ready for use.

(2) Download “Fit Profile” app and create an account

From Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android), search for “Fit Profile” mobile app, download and install to your smartphone. Open the Fit Profile app, sign up with your email.

Answer Yes/Allow/OK when a few questions are prompted. Your account will need your gender, birth date, and your height. Fill in the information correctly. You may skip steps for Apple Health (iOS app), Google Fit (Android app), or Fitbit setup. You can set up these items later.


(3) Setup Bluetooth connection

Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone. For iPhone users, make sure the Fit Profile app’s Bluetooth is on. For Android phone users, make sure Location Service is enabled.

Your Fit Profile app is on the “Measurements” screen.

Apply pressure to turn on your scale. When you see the Bluetooth icon display on the scale, pairing is done.


(4) Take measurements with Bluetooth connections

Open your Fit Profile app on the “Measurements” screen.

Turn on the scale (Step on/off). You should see Bluetooth icon on the scale. Wait for the scale back to 0.

Step on the scale barefoot until your measurement is done.

Setup your smart scale is easy and straightforward. It takes just minutes to get your data after you receive your new scale. Please follow the steps here:

(1) Power up your scale

Apply pressure or push the activate button to turn on your scale.

IMMEDIATELY place your scale on a flat hard surface. Make sure your scale displays 0.0. The scale is ready for use.

(2) Download “Fit Profile” app and create an account

From Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android), search for “Fit Profile” (note: not “Fit Plus”) mobile app, download and install to your smartphone. Open the Fit Profile app, sign up with your email.

Answer yes/allow when a few questions are prompted. Your account will need your gender, birth date, and your height. Fill in the information correctly. You may skip steps for Apple Health (iOS app), Google Fit (Android app), or Fitbit setup. You can set up these items later.

(3) Pair the scale with your smartphone

Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone. For iPhone users, make sure the Fit Profile app’s Bluetooth is on. For Android phone users, make sure Location Service is enabled.

Your Fit Profile app is on “Measurements” screen.

Apply pressure to turn on your scale. When you see the Bluetooth icon display on the scale, pairing is done.

(4) Take measurements

Open the Fit Profile app, make sure it’s on the “Measurements” screen, the screen with a big circle on top.

Apply pressure to turn on the scale and wait for “CAL” back to “0.0”.

Step on the scale barefoot. Your scale will flash your weight twice, then the number “0” will move back and forth. When the “0” stops moving and your weight appears again, your measurements are done. You should hear a sound from your phone – your measurements are uploaded to your app! Get off from the scale now.

Steps (1) to (3) are the one-time setup. For normal measurements you only need step (4).

Apps connection

The Fit Profile app can make seamless connections to the Fitbit app. Your weight and body composition data can be shared to your Fitbit account automatically. Follow the below steps. You need to have a Fitbit account first.

(1) Tap the “Settings” icon on the “Me” screen.

(2) Find and tap on “Fitbit.”

(3) To enable Fitbit.

(4) You will see the Fitbit app Log In page, login with your Fitbit account information.

(5) Please select “Allow All”, so data from Fit Profile can be connect to your Fitbit account. Tap the “Allow” button once complete.

(6) Now back to the Fit Profile app Settings, and Fitbit is enabled. You are ready to use.

(7) Your Fitbit configurations are done. You only need to do it once, during the initial setup process or afterwards. Once set up, after you measure with your Fit Plus scale, the data will also be uploaded to Fitbit. You can log into your Fitbit app or Fitbit website to see your weight and Body Fat.

(8) You need to keep the “Fitbit” button enabled and have good network connectivity to ensure your measurements uploaded to Fitbit. The Fit Profile will not upload data if the “Fitbit” button is disabled.

The Fit Profile app can make seamless connections to the Apple Health app. Your weight and body composition data can be shared to your Apple Health account automatically. Follow the below steps.

(1) On your iPhone’s Settings or your iPad’s Settings find the “Health” app. Tap it to config its settings.

(2) On ALLOW HEALTH TO ACCESS screen, tap on “Data Access & Devices”.

(3) On Sources screen, tap on “Fit Profile” app.

(4) Tap “Turn All Categories On” to enable all items, or if you like you can customize which items you want to share. The Fit Profile app will synchronize the selected data with Apple Health every time you measure.

(5) When you use your Fit Plus scale to measure, you can see the data from your Apple Health account. When you open your Apple health, tap “Show All Health Data” to see weight and other measurements.

The Fit Profile app can make seamless connections to the Google Fit app. Your weight data can be shared to your Google Fit account automatically. Follow the below steps. You need to have a Google Fit account first.

(1) Tap on the “Settings” icon on the “Me” screen.

(2) Find and tap on “Google Fit.”

(3) Enable Google Fit.

(4) Use your Google account to login to Google Fit. If your phone has more Google accounts, you may need to choose one to be used for Fit Profile to share weight data. Sign into your Google Fit. You may need to sign up if you don’t have Google Fit account yet.

(5) It should now go to your “Google Fit” app, indicating a successful connection is made.

(6) After you use your Fit Plus scale, your weight data will be uploaded to Google Fit. You can log into your Google Fit app to view your weight.

Set up

Switch between weight units in your app: “Me” > “Settings” > “Change Unit”. After choosing the unit you want, reconnect the app to the scale by stepping on the scale. The latest weight unit configuration will be updated.

Three weight unit systems are supported:

Pound (lb)

Kilogram (kg)

Stone (st)

Select “Weight Unit” under “Settings”:

Select one weight unit:

Reconnect the app to your scale by stepping on the scale. The latest weight unit configuration will be updated.

Your scale supports unlimited number of users. It is perfect for your entire family use. It is very useful for situations like Yoga classes, weight loss clubs, etc.

Three types of users are supported:

(1) Individual scale users. Each person downloads Fit Profile app to one’s own smartphone, creates a separate individual account. The user’s measurement data syncs with the user’s own app. Each person is independent and keeps measurement data private. This is the most common practice for multiple people to use one scale. Share the scale but not the data. To make sure to keep your measurement private, you need to open your app each time when you use the scale, so your measurements will be synced to your app immediately.

(2) A scale user is under an account owner. The user does not have an independent account. This user’s measurements sync to the account owner’s app. The account owner has measurement data of all users. Some examples of this type of users are children under their parents, or a group of people under their coach. It is ideal for parents to track their children’s weights or fitness coaches to track their clients’ progresses.

To add such a user, please do following.

Tap on “Account” icon on the top, then tap on “Add user”

You need to fill in this new user’s name and personal info. Tap on “Confirm” when complete.

(3) The 3rd type is called “Friends”. Each friend has an individual account, syncs data to one’s own account. One user can “Add Friends”, then a friend request will be sent out. After the friend request is accepted, the two users become “Friends”. Between the two friends, they can view each other’s measurement history but not other’s personal information in the profile. It is great for weight loss buddies to hold each other accountable and encourage each other.

To add such a Friend, go to “Me” > “Friend” > “Add Friend”.

Input your friend’s Email then we will send an invitation to him/her. After adding a friend, you can view the measurement data of your friend.

The Athlete mode is designed for people who are muscular. The algorithm for athlete mode is different from regular mode because the characteristics of the body mass for athletes are different. One person can only fit one mode.

If you are an athlete or a muscular person, you need to select the Athlete mode in your profile. To change to the “Athlete Mode”, please go to “My Account”, tap on your name on the top, and switch on the “Athlete mode”, then tap on the “Confirm” button at the bottom to confirm your change.

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